Gambler Flat Track
Agreement of Release and Indemnity
This Agreement of Release and Indemnity (this "Agreement") contains a release of liability and waiver which affects your legal rights.
By registering to compete, observe, officiate, work for, or participate in any way, in the Gambler 500 Rally and affiliated HooptieX Racing (collectively, the “Event”) you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions, including without limitation, the release of liability and waiver of claims provided below. If you do not agree to all of the following terms and conditions, do not register to participate, or participate, in the Event. If you do not understand all of the following terms and conditions please seek the advice of appropriate persons prior to registering to participate, or participating, in the Event. All participants must read and accept even if purchased by an another.
By indicating your acceptance, you understand, agree, warrant and covenant as follows:
You acknowledge and agree that the Event, like any other road rally, events, competitions, or activities, regardless of distance, intensity, or conditions, involve potential hazards to persons and property, that injuries are common, and that your participation in the Event could result in temporary or permanent injury, including serious injury, disability, paralysis or death. You accept and assume the risks associated with your participation in or attendance at the Event, including, but not limited to, weather conditions and changes in weather conditions, surface conditions and variations in surface conditions, terrain features, collisions or contact with natural or man-made objects or other persons (including spectators, Event officials and representatives, and other participants), no or delayed first aid or emergency assistance, illness or pre-existing medical condition, crashing, inability to complete the Event, the negligence of persons at or involved in or with the Event, and the negligence or intentional misconduct of other participants and spectators of the Event. You further acknowledge that there may be other risks associated with your participation in or attendance at the Event which may not be listed above. YOU FREELY AND EXPRESSLY ACCEPT AND ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE RISKS OF INJURY, DEATH, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT.
You acknowledge and state that you do not need to participate in the Event, and that you have unlimited opportunity to engage in car rally activities similar to the Event. You acknowledge and state that you are medically able and appropriately trained to participate in the Event. You agree to abide by the decision of any Event official or representative regarding your ability to participate in the Event, and that Event officials or representatives may authorize emergency treatment for you in the event of injury or perceived harm. You agree to abide by any and rules, regulations, directions. signage, warnings, and/or orders at the Event or of the Event officials or representatives, and further, that, among other things, your right to participate in the Event may be revoked at any time upon your failure to do so. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE EVENT DOES NOT REQUIRE SPEEDING. AND AGREES TO ABIDE BY ALL POSTED SPEED LIMITS AND OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS, HAVING BEEN SPECIFICALLY INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY THE EVENT HOLDERS.
You further irrevocably, and without additional consideration, grants to Gambler 500, LLC and GORRA LLC (collectively, the Company"), the transferable right to use your image or likeness (“Image”) in any educational, promotional, advertising, or other purpose. You agree that all intellectual property rights in your Image captured at or during the Event belong to the Company, and you waive any right to approve, inspect and/or receive royalties or other benefits from the use of such Image by the Company.
In consideration for entry into and the right to participate in any way in the Event, you, on behalf of yourself and on behalf of your heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, irrevocably and unconditionally release, acquit, forever discharge, hold harmless, and indemnify the Company and each of their respective, present and future, members, shareholders, directors, officers, employees, affiliates, contractors, volunteers, car owners, drivers, rescue personnel, advertisers, organizers, sponsors, promoters, agents, owners and lessees of the premises used to conduct the Event, and other authorized representatives, any Event officials or representatives, and any other persons or entities assisting with or in any way connected with the Event, together with their successors and assigns (collectively, the "Event Holders") for, from, and against any and all claims by me or on my behalf regarding the inherent risks associated with the Event, the negligence or intentional misconduct of other participants in the Event or spectators of the Event, as well as the ordinary negligence of the Event Holders, or any of them, arising out of or in any way connected with the Event and/or the use of any facilities, premises, or equipment at or in connection with the Event.
You acknowledge and state that you have carefully read and understand this Agreement and all of its terms, understand that this Agreement contains a release of liability and waiver of claims, and that you enter into this Agreement voluntarily and on a fully informed basis understanding that it is binding upon you, and your heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns.
You state that you are at least 21 years of age and accept all the terms and conditions of this Agreement on your behalf including without limitation the release of liability and waiver of claims contained in this Agreement.
EVENT: Gambler 500 and GORRA LLC